


eSport Study 2023 – Results Report (German)
eSport Study 2023 – Fact Sheet 2023 (German)

eSport Study 2022 – Results Report (German)
eSport Study 2022 – Fact Sheet 2022 (German)

eSport Study 2021 – Results Report (German)
eSport Study 2021 – Fact Sheet 2021 (German)

eSport Study 2020 – Results Report (German)
eSport Study 2020 – Fact Sheet 2020 (German)

eSport Study 2019 – Results Report (German)

Fit for esports – Wrist exercises
Fit for esports – Strengthening the mental health

esport injuries


Here you can find all scientific publications of our working group:


Dietary behavior of video game players and esports players in Germany: a cross-sectional study


Videospiele und Schlaf – negativer Zusammenhang oder unbedenkliches Zocken?

Media Consumption, Stress and Wellbeing of Video Game and eSports Players in Germany: The eSports Study 20202


Comparison of Multiple Object Tracking Performance Between Professional and Amateur eSport Players as Well as Traditional Sportsmen

Comparison of Reaction Time Between eSports Players of Different Genres and Sportsmen


Blickverhalten von professionellen und nicht-professionellen E-Sportlern in der Fußballsimulation FIFA 19 (S. 88)

E-Sport in Deutschland – Neue Erkenntnisse zu Gesundheit, Stress und Wohlbefinden (S. 86)

Gaze Behavior of Professional and Non-Professional eSports Players in FIFA 19

Demographics and Health Behavior of Video Game and eSports Players in Germany: The eSports Study 2019


eSportler im Fokus der Sportwissenschaft: Erfassung einer neuen Risikozielgruppe

Gesundheitsförderung im eSport – ein Thema für die Sportwissenschaft


Gibt es den ultimativen Leistungstest für eSportler?

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